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Bangkok Bud's Cannabis quality ranking

Writer's picture: Bud BangkokBud Bangkok
Did you wonder why our products are labeled With BBB - AAA Top?

BBB Cannabis Quality

The BBB category is our low-cost option recommended for Newby smokers and irregular consumers that look for an organically produced Weed flower it has a mellow high and is grown outdoors (good quality for outdoor)

Lilac Diesel BBB Quality outdoor grown Organic Weed!

A - AA Cannabis Quality

A to AA is high-quality indoor-grown Cannabis that is recommended for seasoned smokers with THC levels around 17-22%

Apple Blossom AA Perfect example of AA quality at Bangkok Bud's your online Dispensary!


Amazing Cannabis with THC above 20% you only expect from places like Amsterdam or California What really makes the difference between A and AAA is the compounds of Terpentins that beautifully interact with each other!

Recommended for seasoned smokers with tolerance build-up.

All of our AAA Cannabis at Bangkok Bud's is great but we choose every month The flower of the month that just deserves the AAA Top label.

White truffle Bangkok Bud's exclusive Grow!

Enjoy your Flower and let us know what you think!

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